Randomly Captured in the Roman Forum
“The details are not the details. They make the design.”
Ann Marie Smith
I am a creator at heart and a UX/UI designer by trade. Ever since I was little all I can remember loving to do is build things and figure out how they work. One of my favorite past times growing up was playing with Legos and Lincoln Logs and being enthralled by the many contraptions and various structures I was able to make with a simple set of basic shaped blocks. And I still remember the elation that overcame me when I turned a Lego upside down and noticed the empty cylindrical holes that could, and would, perfectly align with the rows of protruding notches on the accompanying sides of the scattered Legos around me. I remember this not only because it was a moment of complete clarity, but because that's the same feeling I still get when I figure out the solution to a creative problem - the world starts to make just a little bit more sense.
When I was in high school, starting to ponder what I wanted to become, I remember tuning into this news segment with a woman who specialized in coaching career switchers, and her most astute realization after working with several clients was that we, as humans, tend to gravitate towards and excel the most in professions which resemble what we loved to do as children. And this sentiment has stuck with me ever since, guiding my choices.
My first endeavor into the world of design was within the realms of Architecture, and although I recognized the importance of the history and possibilities of the built world and what could become of a society with diligent planning and ingenious solutions to common problems, it ultimately wasn't where my heart lied. And by the time I was beginning to figure this out, I was noticing Psychology had become a passion of mine and an indisputable part of who I wanted to become. So, when I stumbled upon UX/UI design many months later, I knew I had found the perfect fit - it contained the perfect culmination of creative design, which I had been fascinated with since I was a kid, and elements of Psychology which I couldn't live without. Moreover, I realized as a UX/UI designer I would be able to impact a broader audience, improve the everyday lives of society, and get a better understanding of human behavior and what people truly need in their lives. To top it off, I didn't mind the fact that I would be able to provide the world with a little bit more beauty while I was at it!